
"낙서장"의 두 판 사이의 차이

라이언의 꿀팁백과

(사용자 6명의 중간 판 15개는 보이지 않습니다)
1번째 줄: 1번째 줄:

<nowiki>#</nowiki> Part I - Choose five of the words/phrases and create new sentences.
1. How did Kara Swisher address the issue of AI-generated biographies on Amazon, as discussed in the article?
She reported the possibility of a scam to Amazon.
2. According to Mary Rasenberger, what has been the impact of generative AI on scam books on Amazon, and what measures has Amazon taken to address this issue?
Generative AI can make prolific books in the blink of an eye. Amazon's response was to remove the book.
3. How might the increasing prevalence of AI-generated summaries and books affect readers' trust in online platforms like Amazon for book purchases?
If the AI-generated books are not clearly marked as being written by AI, it will severely harm not only the books' reputation but also that of online platforms.
4. Considering the difficulty in distinguishing between AI-generated and human-written content, how do you think readers can protect themselves from inadvertently purchasing scam books?
Readers should verify whether authors are real, but I believe the law should hold publishers accountable for author verification.
5. Do you believe that AI-generated content poses a significant threat to the livelihood of authors, or do you think they can adapt to coexist with this technology?
I believe it poses no significant threat to authors' livelihoods if readers can easily distinguish between AI-generated and traditionally authored books.


1. tailspin

→ When the latest CPI increased more than expected, the stock market went into a tailspin.
How might the widespread availability of AI-generated content reshape the landscape of traditional publishing industries, and what implications could this have for emerging authors and established literary figures?
(To be updated)


2. milstone

→ Will the six-month abroad training program offered by UC Irvine become another milestone in my career?
- '''<nowiki/>'You have blood on your hands,'''' senator tells Mark Zuckerberg for failing kids online
'''have blood on one's hands :''' be responsible for that person's death.
- Top tech CEOs were '''being grilled''' in Washington by lawmakers, who said the companies have failed to protect children from '''being subjected to''' sexual abuse and exploitation on their websites.
'''grill :''' to ask someone a lot of questions for a long time (수동태로 많이 쓰이는 듯)
- After <u>being grilled</u> by the police for eight hours, Johnson signed a confession.
'''be subjected to :''' ~을 당하다
- The executives include Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, X's Linda Yaccarino and TikTok's Shou Zi Chew, '''among others.'''
'''among others :''' used to indicate that there are several more people like the one or ones mentioned, but that you do not intend to mention them all.
- The social media apps have "given predators powerful new tools to exploit children," said Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., at the kickoff of the Senate Judiciary Committee '''hearing''' on Wednesday.
'''hearing :''' 청문회; a meeting of a group of people, for example judges or politicians, to hear the facts relating to a legal problem or subject of public interest before they make a decision about it:
- The hearing is one of several over the past year as pressure builds for federal regulators to do more to '''hold''' tech companies '''accountable for''' children's safety online.
'''hold someone accountable for something :''' to make someone responsible for what they do and demand a satisfactory reason for it
<nowiki>*</nowiki> It is important to '''hold''' schools '''accountable for''' the performance of all their students.
<nowiki>*</nowiki> They want him to '''be held accountable for''' what he has done.
- Of the companies testifying on Wednesday, Meta has especially '''come under fire''' for allegedly creating a toxic environment for children.
'''come under fire :''' to be criticized
<nowiki>*</nowiki> The government has '''come under fire''' for its decision to close the mines.
- Separately, New Mexico's attorney general filed another suit against Meta, alleging it fails to remove child sexual abuse material from its platforms and also makes it easy for adults '''to''' '''solicit''' '''minors'''.
'''to solicit minors (v) -''' a criminal offense that occurs when someone asks a minor to participate in a sexual act
<nowiki>*</nowiki> The internet has made it easier for predators '''to solicit minors.'''
'''solicit :''' to ask someone for money, information, or help
'''minor :''' 미성년자; someone who is too young to have the legal responsibilities of an adult:
- Based on data he collected while working at Facebook, he said he found that 24% of teens had received unwanted '''sexual''' '''advances'''. And when harmful posts are reported, he said, only 2% '''are taken down.'''
'''sexual advances :''' trying to pressure or entice someone into a sexual act
'''take something down :''' to remove something that is on a wall or something that is temporary, or to remove a structure by separating its different part
<nowiki>*</nowiki> I '''took''' the pictures '''down'''.
During Wednesday's hearing, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., '''laid into''' Zuckerberg.
'''lay into someone :''' to attack someone physically, or to criticize someone in an angry way
<nowiki>*</nowiki> In the middle of the meeting she suddenly laid into him for no apparent reason.
- The packed audience, which included parents and child advocates who were holding photos of their loved ones, '''erupted in applause.'''
'''erupt :''' to suddenly express your feelings in a noisy way
<nowiki>*</nowiki> The crowd erupted in applause and cheering.
'''applause :''' the sound of people clapping their hands repeatedly to show enjoyment or approval of something such as a performance or speech
좋은 문장
'''"No matter how much we invest or how effective our tools are, there's always more to learn and more improvements to make,"''' Zuckerberg added.
'''"I'm sorry for everything you have all been through,"''' he said'''.'''
'''"No one should go through the things that your families have suffered and this is why we invest so much and we are going to continue doing industry wide efforts to make sure no one has to go through the things your families have had to suffer."'''
In '''the lead-up''' to Wednesday's hearing, Meta rolled out new tools geared toward protecting kids online.
'''lead-up :''' (다른 일의) 사전 준비가 되는 것, 앞서가는 것
- Chew volunteered to speak on Wednesday, but Yaccarino, Spiegel and Citron agreed only after '''being subpoenaed.'''
'''subpoena :''' summon (someone) with a subpoena.; v. (증인으로) 소환[호출]하다; n. (증인에 대한 법원의) 소환장[호출장]
- Before the hearing, Snap had come out as the sole social media company to throw its support behind the Kids Online Safety Act, which is one of the bills that lawmakers are hoping to bring to the Senate floor this year.
''(Q) throw support behind = throw one's weight behind''
'''throw support behind :''' : to use one's influence to support (something)
<nowiki>*</nowiki> I '''throw''' my full '''support behind''' Barack Obama.
- But as the hearing '''got underway,''' X said it too supports the legislation.
'''get underway :''' to begin
좋은 문장
'''"'''Many of the largest and most successful internet companies today were born here in the United States of America, and '''we must lead not only in technical innovation but also in smart regulation,"''' Snap's Spiegel said in his opening remarks on Wednesday.
- They '''echoed''' the senators' demands that more has to be done to protect kids online.
'''echo :''' to repeat details that are similar to, and make you think of, something else
좋은 문장
"Parents used to worry about where their kids were at 10 p.m.," said Imran Ahmed, CEO and founder of the nonprofit Center for Countering Digital Hate. '''"These days, they may be physically present, but we don't know who they're spending time with online and what they're being exposed to every day."'''


3. burgeon

→ The burgeoning development of AI fills me with a sense of nervousness.
Scientists '''take a step''' closer to resurrecting the woolly mammoth
* Scientists are working to '''resurrect''' the extinct species.
'''resurrect''' 부활하다
'''resurrection''' 그리스도의 부활


4. breakneck

→ Many AI engineers are worried about losing control over AI because it has been improving at a breakneck speed.
Q) Is it grammatically correct not using "on" before the date? Are both grammatically sound, and the choice between them depends on the context and the desired level of formality or clarity?
- (original) A biotech company that hopes to resurrect extinct species "said Wednesday" that...
- (suggested) A biotech company that hopes to resurrect extinct species "said 'on' Wednesday" that...


5. stride

"This is probably the most significant step in the early stages of this project," said George Church, a geneticist at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who co-founded '''Colossal''' Biosciences in Dallas.
'''geneticist''' (발음)제너-
'''colossal''' 엄청난, 거대한

36번째 줄: 385번째 줄:

<nowiki>#</nowiki> Vocabulary (or Expressions)
The woolly mammoth was a big, '''shaggy''' species of elephant that roamed the tundra before going extinct thousands of years ago.
'''shaggy''' (of hair or fur) long, thick, and unkempt.

1. third party sellers
'''go extinct''' 멸종되다

2. impulse purchase

3. What do you say?

→ Hey, let's go see a movie tonight. "What do you say"? (WE NEED "THE CONTEXT".)

4. to age like (fine) wine ← to look good as you get older
Colossal '''has been working''' to bring the mammoth, the dodo bird and other extinct species back to life using the latest cloning and genetic engineering techniques.
'''have + been + ing :''' 현재완료 진행형 (~가 과거부터 현재까지 계속 진행되다)

5. driving under the influence


<nowiki>#</nowiki> Pronounce

1. Egregious = EG-REE-JUSS
And now the company says scientists have for the first time created '''induced''' '''pluripotent''' stem cells for the mammoth's closest living relative: Asian elephants.
'''induced''' 유도된
'''pluripotent''' 다능성의; (of an immature or stem cell) capable of giving rise to several different cell types.
'''induced pluripotent stems''' 유도된 다능성의 줄기세포

2. Record a record. (Verb: r??k?ːd / Noun : ?rek?ːd)


<nowiki>#</nowiki> Speaking Mistakes

1. I didn't have chance to practice English.
A '''steppingstone''' from modern elephant to mammoth

→ I didn't have "much opportunities" to practice English.

2. Student of universities
'''steppingstone''' 디딤돌; an action or event that helps one to make progress towards a specified goal.

→ University students

3. He opened the performance

→ He "performed" the solo concert.

4. It's almost fake.
Scientists can now try to use '''cloning techniques''' and '''gene editing''' to manipulate the cells in the hopes of someday creating elephants with key traits of mammoths, such as their heavy coats and the layers of fat that enabled them to survive in cold climates.
'''cloning techniques'''
'''gene editing'''

→ It's "mostly" fake.


<nowiki>#</nowiki> Part I - Choose five of the words/phrases and create new sentences.
Like we want them to be resistant to the '''herpesvirus''' that is causing a huge fraction of infant elephants to die," Church said.
'''herpesvirus''' 헤르페스 바이러스


1. fair use

→ The fair use doctrine enables the Internet to be abundant with data.
But some scientists '''object to''' the whole idea of trying to revive extinct animals.
'''object to''' ~에 반대하다


2. credibility

→ We need to strive to create safe and reliable AI models. In other words, we aim to ensure the credibility of the AI models we develop.
It's to have them fully socialized in large herds. Some people think it's a bad idea because it takes money away from '''conservation efforts''', when in fact we're injecting money into conservation efforts."
'''conservation efforts''' 보존 노력


3. on edge

→ The kids in the family were on edge when their parents yelled at each other.
Researchers say the work will '''advance''' conservation
'''advance''' move forward in a purposeful way; 나아가게 하다


4. on the back of

→ I believe that God is on the back of those who are good and trustful in Him.
"We're very, very excited that we have derived the first elephant induced pluripotent stem cells," said Eriona Hysolli, who heads Colossal's mammoth project.
'''head(=lead)''' ~을 이끌다[책임지다]
"'''It opens up''' new possibilities for conserving species' genetic diversity, preventing extinction and contributing to the sustainability of species," Ryder said.
'''It opens up...''' ~을 열다


5. hammer out something

→ After hours of intense discussion, the committee was finally able to hammer out the details of the requirements of the project.
아래는 기사에서 나온 예문은 아님
There is a '''misguided''' belief that innovation happens in a vacuum.
'''misguided''' 잘못 이해한[판단한]; having or showing faulty judgment or reasoning.


<nowiki>#</nowiki> Part II Questions - Please write down the answers in the answer box below.
넘 멋진 문장
'''"We need to focus on the species here today. Living animals versus fossils is really where our focus should be,"''' said Gabriela Mastromonaco, senior director of wildlife science at the Toronto Zoo. "It's just a distraction."


1. How does ChatGPT gather information, and what has led to the lawsuit between The New York Times and OpenAI?

→ ChatGPT collects a wide range of data from various sources, including websites on the internet and documents.
수업에서 설명한 어휘
'''created''' (v) - brought into existence; made.
'''ex:''' The scientists successfully created induced pluripotent stem cells for Asian elephants.
'''described''' (v) - represented in words; explained.
'''ex:''' The company described its findings in a scientific paper published on the preprint server.
'''revive''' (v) - bring back to life; restore from a state of dormancy or inactivity.
'''ex:''' The biotech company aims to revive extinct species like the woolly mammoth through genetic engineering.
'''extinct''' (adj) - no longer existing or living.
'''ex:''' The Korean tiger has been extinct since since the 1940s.
'''peer-reviewed''' (adj) - subjected to evaluation by experts in the field before publication.
'''ex:''' The research was peer reviewed to ensure the accuracy and validity of the research findings.
'''ethics''' (n) - the principles of right and wrong that guide behavior and decision-making.
'''ex:''' The debate over de-extinction raises important ethical questions about the role of humans in altering natural ecosystems.

The New York Times filed a lawsuit against OpenAI, alleging copyright infringement and claiming that OpenAI has harmed their reputation by spreading misinformation.


2. What are the key arguments presented by both The New York Times and OpenAI in this copyright infringement case?

→ Firstly, the licensing fee is a key point. The article mentions that The New York Times had attempted to negotiate a licensing deal for using their articles before filing the lawsuit.
'''Part I - Choose five of the words/phrases and create new sentences.'''
1. (peer-reviewed) Your code must be peer-reviewed to commit to the production system.
2. (extinct) What if dogs went extinct? People would miss them greatly, as if they had lost their companions.
3. (describe) This clip briefly describes how the AI-based technology works in just 10 minutes.
4. (distraction) One of the experts, a senior director of wildlife science at the Toronto Zoo, objects to the idea of resurrecting fossils, stating, "It's just a distraction."
5. (head) Ryan has been heading his team for more than 2 years.

Secondly, the fair use doctrine, which permits the use of copyrighted material without permission under certain circumstances, is another crucial aspect. The outcome of this lawsuit could profoundly impact the way we handle data.


3. According to the article, what potential consequences or changes might this lawsuit bring to the digital publishing industry and AI technology?

→ Speaking of AI technology, the outcomes could be seriously disruptive if their use of data does not constitute fair use. As for the digital publishing industry, it could create another cash cow through licensing fees.
'''Part II Questions - Please write down the answers in the answer box below.'''
1. Why is the creation of induced pluripotent stem cells significant for the woolly mammoth project?
2. What are your thoughts on the ethical considerations surrounding the de-extinction of species, such as the woolly mammoth?


4. Do you believe that AI entities like ChatGPT should be held accountable for using copyrighted material without explicit permission, or do you support the fair use argument presented by OpenAI? Why?
3. Do you believe that the resources invested in de-extinction efforts could be better utilized for conservation of existing species? Why or why not?

→ Data are the lifeblood of AI technology, as AI models can only be trained with vast amounts of data. However, this data is not free. To produce it, companies must invest resources. Therefore, I believe a revised version of the fair use doctrine is necessary. For instance, what if the law only allowed companies to use public materials that were published more than two years ago?
4. To what extent do you think the potential environmental benefits of reintroducing mammoth-like elephants, such as combating global warming, outweigh the ethical concerns and practical challenges?


5. How might this lawsuit between The New York Times and OpenAI impact the future development and regulation of AI technologies in various industries, considering their use of copyrighted material?
5. Can you envision potential scenarios where the revival of extinct species could lead to unforeseen ecological consequences, and how might scientists mitigate such risks?

→ Policymakers should revise the current copyright laws, as they are not suitable for new technologies like AI unless updated.



Some food for thoughts:
'''Alternative source - Read the link if you want to know more about this topic.'''

1. Case Tracker: Artificial Intelligence, Copyrights and Class Actions (New York Times v. Microsoft) (<nowiki>https://www.bakerlaw.com/new-york-times-v-microsoft/</nowiki>)
Discuss the balance between permitting natural selection to proceed naturally and deciding when intervention is warranted. Does human intervention in natural processes amount to playing God?

2. "Nightshade", defensive tool for artists against AI art generators, poisons AI training models that scrape their work without permission (<nowiki>https://amt-lab.org/reviews/2023/11/nightshade-a-defensive-tool-for-artists-against-ai-art-generators</nowiki>)



262번째 줄: 696번째 줄:


2024년 5월 24일 (금) 09:27 기준 최신판





1. How did Kara Swisher address the issue of AI-generated biographies on Amazon, as discussed in the article?

She reported the possibility of a scam to Amazon.

2. According to Mary Rasenberger, what has been the impact of generative AI on scam books on Amazon, and what measures has Amazon taken to address this issue?

Generative AI can make prolific books in the blink of an eye. Amazon's response was to remove the book.

3. How might the increasing prevalence of AI-generated summaries and books affect readers' trust in online platforms like Amazon for book purchases?

If the AI-generated books are not clearly marked as being written by AI, it will severely harm not only the books' reputation but also that of online platforms.

4. Considering the difficulty in distinguishing between AI-generated and human-written content, how do you think readers can protect themselves from inadvertently purchasing scam books?

Readers should verify whether authors are real, but I believe the law should hold publishers accountable for author verification.

5. Do you believe that AI-generated content poses a significant threat to the livelihood of authors, or do you think they can adapt to coexist with this technology?

I believe it poses no significant threat to authors' livelihoods if readers can easily distinguish between AI-generated and traditionally authored books.




How might the widespread availability of AI-generated content reshape the landscape of traditional publishing industries, and what implications could this have for emerging authors and established literary figures?

(To be updated)


- 'You have blood on your hands,' senator tells Mark Zuckerberg for failing kids online

have blood on one's hands : be responsible for that person's death.


- Top tech CEOs were being grilled in Washington by lawmakers, who said the companies have failed to protect children from being subjected to sexual abuse and exploitation on their websites.

grill : to ask someone a lot of questions for a long time (수동태로 많이 쓰이는 듯)

- After being grilled by the police for eight hours, Johnson signed a confession.

be subjected to : ~을 당하다


- The executives include Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, X's Linda Yaccarino and TikTok's Shou Zi Chew, among others.

among others : used to indicate that there are several more people like the one or ones mentioned, but that you do not intend to mention them all.


- The social media apps have "given predators powerful new tools to exploit children," said Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., at the kickoff of the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday.

hearing : 청문회; a meeting of a group of people, for example judges or politicians, to hear the facts relating to a legal problem or subject of public interest before they make a decision about it:


- The hearing is one of several over the past year as pressure builds for federal regulators to do more to hold tech companies accountable for children's safety online.

hold someone accountable for something : to make someone responsible for what they do and demand a satisfactory reason for it

* It is important to hold schools accountable for the performance of all their students.

* They want him to be held accountable for what he has done.


- Of the companies testifying on Wednesday, Meta has especially come under fire for allegedly creating a toxic environment for children.

come under fire : to be criticized

* The government has come under fire for its decision to close the mines.


- Separately, New Mexico's attorney general filed another suit against Meta, alleging it fails to remove child sexual abuse material from its platforms and also makes it easy for adults to solicit minors.

to solicit minors (v) - a criminal offense that occurs when someone asks a minor to participate in a sexual act

* The internet has made it easier for predators to solicit minors.

solicit : to ask someone for money, information, or help

minor : 미성년자; someone who is too young to have the legal responsibilities of an adult:


- Based on data he collected while working at Facebook, he said he found that 24% of teens had received unwanted sexual advances. And when harmful posts are reported, he said, only 2% are taken down.

sexual advances : trying to pressure or entice someone into a sexual act

take something down : to remove something that is on a wall or something that is temporary, or to remove a structure by separating its different part

* I took the pictures down.


During Wednesday's hearing, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., laid into Zuckerberg.

lay into someone : to attack someone physically, or to criticize someone in an angry way

* In the middle of the meeting she suddenly laid into him for no apparent reason.


- The packed audience, which included parents and child advocates who were holding photos of their loved ones, erupted in applause.

erupt : to suddenly express your feelings in a noisy way

* The crowd erupted in applause and cheering.

applause : the sound of people clapping their hands repeatedly to show enjoyment or approval of something such as a performance or speech


좋은 문장

"No matter how much we invest or how effective our tools are, there's always more to learn and more improvements to make," Zuckerberg added.

"I'm sorry for everything you have all been through," he said.

"No one should go through the things that your families have suffered and this is why we invest so much and we are going to continue doing industry wide efforts to make sure no one has to go through the things your families have had to suffer."


In the lead-up to Wednesday's hearing, Meta rolled out new tools geared toward protecting kids online.

lead-up : (다른 일의) 사전 준비가 되는 것, 앞서가는 것


- Chew volunteered to speak on Wednesday, but Yaccarino, Spiegel and Citron agreed only after being subpoenaed.

subpoena : summon (someone) with a subpoena.; v. (증인으로) 소환[호출]하다; n. (증인에 대한 법원의) 소환장[호출장]


- Before the hearing, Snap had come out as the sole social media company to throw its support behind the Kids Online Safety Act, which is one of the bills that lawmakers are hoping to bring to the Senate floor this year.

(Q) throw support behind = throw one's weight behind

throw support behind : : to use one's influence to support (something)

* I throw my full support behind Barack Obama.


- But as the hearing got underway, X said it too supports the legislation.

get underway : to begin


좋은 문장

"Many of the largest and most successful internet companies today were born here in the United States of America, and we must lead not only in technical innovation but also in smart regulation," Snap's Spiegel said in his opening remarks on Wednesday.


- They echoed the senators' demands that more has to be done to protect kids online.

echo : to repeat details that are similar to, and make you think of, something else


좋은 문장

"Parents used to worry about where their kids were at 10 p.m.," said Imran Ahmed, CEO and founder of the nonprofit Center for Countering Digital Hate. "These days, they may be physically present, but we don't know who they're spending time with online and what they're being exposed to every day."



Scientists take a step closer to resurrecting the woolly mammoth

  • Scientists are working to resurrect the extinct species.

resurrect 부활하다

resurrection 그리스도의 부활


Q) Is it grammatically correct not using "on" before the date? Are both grammatically sound, and the choice between them depends on the context and the desired level of formality or clarity?

- (original) A biotech company that hopes to resurrect extinct species "said Wednesday" that...

- (suggested) A biotech company that hopes to resurrect extinct species "said 'on' Wednesday" that...


"This is probably the most significant step in the early stages of this project," said George Church, a geneticist at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who co-founded Colossal Biosciences in Dallas.

geneticist (발음)제너-

colossal 엄청난, 거대한


The woolly mammoth was a big, shaggy species of elephant that roamed the tundra before going extinct thousands of years ago.

shaggy (of hair or fur) long, thick, and unkempt.

go extinct 멸종되다


Colossal has been working to bring the mammoth, the dodo bird and other extinct species back to life using the latest cloning and genetic engineering techniques.

have + been + ing : 현재완료 진행형 (~가 과거부터 현재까지 계속 진행되다)


And now the company says scientists have for the first time created induced pluripotent stem cells for the mammoth's closest living relative: Asian elephants.

induced 유도된

pluripotent 다능성의; (of an immature or stem cell) capable of giving rise to several different cell types.

induced pluripotent stems 유도된 다능성의 줄기세포


A steppingstone from modern elephant to mammoth

steppingstone 디딤돌; an action or event that helps one to make progress towards a specified goal.


Scientists can now try to use cloning techniques and gene editing to manipulate the cells in the hopes of someday creating elephants with key traits of mammoths, such as their heavy coats and the layers of fat that enabled them to survive in cold climates.

cloning techniques

gene editing


Like we want them to be resistant to the herpesvirus that is causing a huge fraction of infant elephants to die," Church said.

herpesvirus 헤르페스 바이러스


But some scientists object to the whole idea of trying to revive extinct animals.

object to ~에 반대하다


It's to have them fully socialized in large herds. Some people think it's a bad idea because it takes money away from conservation efforts, when in fact we're injecting money into conservation efforts."

conservation efforts 보존 노력


Researchers say the work will advance conservation

advance move forward in a purposeful way; 나아가게 하다


"We're very, very excited that we have derived the first elephant induced pluripotent stem cells," said Eriona Hysolli, who heads Colossal's mammoth project.

head(=lead) ~을 이끌다[책임지다]


"It opens up new possibilities for conserving species' genetic diversity, preventing extinction and contributing to the sustainability of species," Ryder said.

It opens up... ~을 열다


아래는 기사에서 나온 예문은 아님

There is a misguided belief that innovation happens in a vacuum.

misguided 잘못 이해한[판단한]; having or showing faulty judgment or reasoning.


넘 멋진 문장

"We need to focus on the species here today. Living animals versus fossils is really where our focus should be," said Gabriela Mastromonaco, senior director of wildlife science at the Toronto Zoo. "It's just a distraction."


수업에서 설명한 어휘

created (v) - brought into existence; made.

ex: The scientists successfully created induced pluripotent stem cells for Asian elephants.

described (v) - represented in words; explained.

ex: The company described its findings in a scientific paper published on the preprint server.

revive (v) - bring back to life; restore from a state of dormancy or inactivity.

ex: The biotech company aims to revive extinct species like the woolly mammoth through genetic engineering.

extinct (adj) - no longer existing or living.

ex: The Korean tiger has been extinct since since the 1940s.

peer-reviewed (adj) - subjected to evaluation by experts in the field before publication.

ex: The research was peer reviewed to ensure the accuracy and validity of the research findings.

ethics (n) - the principles of right and wrong that guide behavior and decision-making.

ex: The debate over de-extinction raises important ethical questions about the role of humans in altering natural ecosystems.


Part I - Choose five of the words/phrases and create new sentences.

1. (peer-reviewed) Your code must be peer-reviewed to commit to the production system.

2. (extinct) What if dogs went extinct? People would miss them greatly, as if they had lost their companions.

3. (describe) This clip briefly describes how the AI-based technology works in just 10 minutes.

4. (distraction) One of the experts, a senior director of wildlife science at the Toronto Zoo, objects to the idea of resurrecting fossils, stating, "It's just a distraction."

5. (head) Ryan has been heading his team for more than 2 years.


Part II Questions - Please write down the answers in the answer box below.

1. Why is the creation of induced pluripotent stem cells significant for the woolly mammoth project?

2. What are your thoughts on the ethical considerations surrounding the de-extinction of species, such as the woolly mammoth?

3. Do you believe that the resources invested in de-extinction efforts could be better utilized for conservation of existing species? Why or why not?

4. To what extent do you think the potential environmental benefits of reintroducing mammoth-like elephants, such as combating global warming, outweigh the ethical concerns and practical challenges?

5. Can you envision potential scenarios where the revival of extinct species could lead to unforeseen ecological consequences, and how might scientists mitigate such risks?


Alternative source - Read the link if you want to know more about this topic.

Discuss the balance between permitting natural selection to proceed naturally and deciding when intervention is warranted. Does human intervention in natural processes amount to playing God?




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Google Cloud 에서 제공하는 컨테이너 기반의 Serverless 솔루션인 Cloud Run


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1. Promise 함수 정리


2. Servlet 기반으로 구동되는 웹서비스는 인증, 인가, 변환, 압축, 암호화 등 비즈니스 로직이 수행되기 전에 공통으로 사용되는 로직을 Servlet Filter로 구현한다. Servlet이 웹 요청을 처리하기 앞서 여러 Filter가 순서에 맞춰 수행되는 것이 Servlet 서버의 기본 동작 흐름


3. Java Object 클래스의 메소드 중에는 finalize() 라는 녀석이 있습니다. 아주 오래전 Java 태동기부터 존재했고 그 설계 의도도 명확했죠. 하지만 최근 몇년간 많은 문제점과 논란이 제기된 끝에 JDK 9 버전에서 Deprecated 되었고 결국 사라질 준비를 하고 있습니다. (JEP-421)

클래스의 생성(초기화) 시점에 리소스를 획득하고 종료 시점에 리소스를 다시 반납하는 패턴을 RAII(Resource Acqusition Is Initialization) 패턴 이라고 부릅니다. C++ 에서 주로 사용되는 패턴인데, GC 가 따로 없다보니 개발자가 직접 리소스를 할당하고 해제해주어야 했고 까딱 잘못하면 메모리 누수가 나곤했죠. 그래서 위 처럼 패턴을 만들어서 고착화 시킨겁니다.


4. 검색 최적화


5. 유용한 사이트


